On 6/5/05, Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Williams wrote:
> > After reading, studying *.xmap, and re-reading, I think I'm
> > understanding this a bit better.  My question is should the
> > locationmap match be moved earlier in the pipeline?  I got the
> > behaviour I would have expected by moving it immediately before all of
> > the i18n matches for regular source content.
> No. If it were moved to before the i18n match for *.xml files it would
> prevent that code from working since the first match in which the
> generator is executed is the *only* match that will run.
> Is there a reason why you want to move it earlier?

Because a match in xdocs takes precedence over locationmap right now. 
I guess it only matters because I was using the samples directory to
play around with Slide and I have a samples directory in both Slide
and xdocs -- xdocs always wins.    I guess I didn't have to worry
about the other code running because I'm essentially using the
locationmap to point everything in xdocs to Slide right now.  Except
of course site.xml and tabs.xml which are handled differently than
other content in xdocs.

Also, are you looking into expanding it for resource (graphics
specifically) content too?


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