Thorsten Scherler wrote:
On Wed, 2005-06-08 at 10:08 +0100, Ross Gardler wrote:

Thorsten Scherler wrote:


:) Yeah, that is simply a contract that contains a link to
daisy/lenya/anyOtherCms edit page. I will make an example as soon I have
updated the locationmap branch on my harddrive and understood all the
mails around the topic. ;-)

I'll do you a deal, if you create the contract with an example linking to the demo page Gregor created for us, I'll move it into the Locationmap branch and make it work with that the locationmap stuff.

I would like to set up that branch to work by default with views if that
is alright with you?

Yes, that is just fine. I intend to use views to its fullest there.

i.e. just hard code the URLs in the contract, I'll do what is necessary with locationmap.

No, there is no need to hardcode urls in the contracts. We can use the
same mechanism we used in the feeder-contract (remember the example you
brought up as enhancement of the view design).

Yes, but the URL has to come from the locationmap. What I meant was you throw together a simple demo and I'll add the locationmap stuff. Of course, if you want to use this as an opportunity to get to grips with the locationmap I'll answer your questions instead of doing it.


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