Thanks for fixing some of the docs already, David.

Some questions remaining:

>  - Set your Java version to be the lowest specified of our supported versions.
>    e.g. J2SDK 1.4.0

See my ealier posting on this.

> - Run 'build release-dist' to generate the distributions on a UNIX machine.
>    - Two archives are created: apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz 
>  - Repeat that on a Windows machine.
>    - Use the .tar.gz from the UNIX machine and .zip from the Windows machine.
>    - In that way, SVN will ensure correct line-endings on all text files.

This doesn't look right but I may be wrong:

- Run 'build release-dist' to generate the distributions on a UNIX machine.
  An archive apache-forrest-X.Y.tar.gz is created.

- Run 'build release-dist' to generate the distributions on a Windows machine.
  An archive is created.

>    - Use the .tar.gz from the UNIX machine and .zip from the Windows machine.
>    - In that way, SVN will ensure correct line-endings on all text files.

Use for what? Should it be something like

"Use tar.gz for installing the test release on a unix machine and zip
for installing it in Windows machines."

>    - In that way, SVN will ensure correct line-endings on all text files.

What has svn to do with it at that point?

>  - Create a maintenance branch in SVN with
>     svn copy -m "Create the x.y release branch from r#####" \
> \
>    where 'xy' is a compact form of the version (e.g. 04, 041, 05).
>    See

So is r###### to be replaced by the current dev-release number

To be continued once I've read some more :-)

Ferdinand Soethe

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