Ross Gardler wrote:
Torsten Stolpmann wrote:

As Claudia already pointed out, most work done on pelt was rather destructive (disabling/removing features we didn't need/like/got in the way) than constructive.

I've often wanted to disable certain features in our skins, but never found the time to do it. The diffs between your work and pelt will clearly indicate where the code is that should be disabled for various features. With the use of some extra skin config and <xsl:if > elements those with a strong enough itch should be able to add at least some of your changes into pelt.

So in conclusion: I don't see our work as a new 'skin'. It is too narrow and specialised for that to be in it's current state. Then again it might serve as a showcase on *what* visuals can be achieved and especially *how* they may be achieved.

I agree with your conclusion. If you are still willing please add your skin to an issue, if possible add a few notes about the major changes you made (in terms of functionality, i.e. added an image to tabs, people can look at the code to see how)

Added to Jira as FOR-504. Sorry for the delay. I hope the comments inside are sufficient. If not - just ask.

Finally, may I take this opportunity to thank you and your company for your offer to donate your excellent work on this skin, it is very much appreciated by the community.

Glad to be of help.



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