Anil Ramnanan wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

Having done this it seems to me that the site.xml file should now go in the root of our tools/eclipse folder and therefore reuse the plugins/features from tools/eclipse/plugins and tools/eclipse/features.

Is this correct?

I would suggest another folder called tools/eclipse/plugins/updatesite

Is it a plugin? Why not tools/eclipse/updatesite?

and place the updatesite project in there. When you generate the update site you can copy the entire contents of the updatesite folder to the webserver or wherever you are housing the updates.

If we do that then we need to set SVN to ignore the folders that
building the site will create. It would be easier to have the build process output the generated files in our build directory, that way we just ignore one folder in SVN and we don't get any nasty surprises in the future.

Is that possible? If not I can set it up the way you suggest.


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