Tim Williams wrote:
> I think this (convert tabs to spaces) needs to be added to an faq or
> contribute section.  I'm sure I've goofed up several files before I
> relatively recently changed my editor to automatically convert tabs to
> whitespaces.

It sure does. The trouble is that such info needs to be added to
the top-level www.apache.org so that we don't need to repeat it
at every project.

Meanwhile, there is such info at Cocoon:

I have been meaning to start a HowTo "Develop with Forrest"
which would cover tips for debugging, etc. and also have
a section which shows how to contribute efficiently and
then links to such common info at www.apache.org/dev/

(Perhaps that is how i should spend some of the 30-hour trip
to ApacheCon next weekend. :-)


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