Sorry for the late response guys, I've been tied up with work and school :)

On Thursday 04 August 2005 2:25 am, Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> You need to escape the "&". It depends on your contract but the subject
> is javascript in contracts.
> alert(unescape("http%3A//"));

Tried this, but it outputs the stuff _as is_ in the generated page (that is, I 
want the HTML page to contain "file=api&v=1" and *not* "file%3Dapi%26v%3D1". 
I'm doing some more tests to see if that might actually work,

> If you use plain xml then refer to

Is this similar to what Todd suggested? That is, I just use & ? Do I need 
to explicitly invoke the xhtml-special.ent for this?

> Like said by Cyriaque: "can you explain us exactly what you want to do
> with your contract ?"

Pretty simple actually :) I'm just trying to make a configurable contract that 
will let the user include a custom google map in his/her content. The 
configurable parameters being the API key and the location (and later on, 
other things that the Google Maps API supports)


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