Thanks Gavin, i will reply here to try to keep commentary
inside the Issue tracker to a minimum.

Gavin (JIRA) wrote:
>     [ 
> ] 
> Gavin commented on FOR-604:
> ---------------------------
> Ok, I have made the changes needed. You can view it in action, I have 
> uploaded a basic site and at 
> you can see the new CSS 
> changes in action.

Thanks that is great.

> I am not all that familiar with svn, although it did state that basic.css 
> could not be diff'd (or something like that)

Do you have an SVN checkout, or are you using a packaged release?
This doc explains both situations.

> If somebody wants to explain how I can commit these changes,

You cannot. Only committers can directly change the source control system.
All other developers need to send patches.

> if I can not then please paste the following into /pelt/css/basic.css as a 
> replacement for the code in my earlier message above.

It would be far better to provide a diff if you can.
Doing copy-and-paste is too error prone.
If you cannot manage it, then i will use this text.

> .note, .warning, .fixme {
>   border: solid black 1px;
>   margin: 1em 3em;
> }
> .note .label {
>   background: #369;
>   color: white;
>   font-weight: bold;
>     padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> .note .content {
>   background: #F0F0FF;
>   color: black;
>   line-height: 120%;
>   font-size: 90%;
>     padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> .warning .label {
>   background: #C00;
>   color: white;
>   font-weight: bold;
>     padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> .warning .content {
>   background: #FFF0F0;
>   color: black;
>   line-height: 120%;
>   font-size: 90%;
>     padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> .fixme .label {
>   background: #C6C600;
>   font-weight: bold;
>     padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> .fixme .content {
>         padding: 5px 10px;
> }
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I guess to be consistent then leather-dev/css/basic.css will also need to
> be changed the same way. I will load leather-dev and make the changes,
> making sure that it does not break anything else and then post back here.


> Is there anything else I need to do here, doc changes ?

No that should be it.


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