Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> First of all, we need a sample XHTML2 document that we will use to
> render. It will contain all the module elements and attributes that we
> will use and should be regularly updated to keep the new ones as we
> progress. The content should be a description of the tags being used, so
> to keep the documentation and the test in one page.
> Basically, an XHTML2 version of the following, without any feature
> missing and with extra XHTML2 features:
> Probably we should do a simpler page that is divided in sections as in
> the XHTML2 modules document.
> It shall validate with the RelaxNG scheme that the spec provides:
> Any takers?
> Eventually, we will provide support for all the XHTML2 tags and
> attributes except the presentational ones, but we can start with a base
> subset that should encompass all we do now:

I suppose that we look at our current DTD v2.0
for what is needed as a base.

We have some things like an "imagemap" demo
contributed to our seed-sample site.
So we would we need:
20. XHTML Image Map Attributes Module

I agree with these below, but will look again to
see if we missed any.

[ snip module list ]

> Note also this module's role collection:
> 25. XHTML Role Access Module
>     * 25.2. Role Collection
> It nicely defines page section names. IMHO we should use this to define
> a page layout.

It does not have sufficient structure for our full
layout using just the standard attributes, so
we would use those and define some additional ones.
It seems ideal.

I presume that this is the "<div role=" hooks of our
"views" structurer.

I have not yet grasped the power of the RDF definitions.

> When the above is agreed on and done, I will mail the second step.

The first version of the sample document can define
our decided list of modules.


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