----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Crossley"

| The MOTD is explained in a 'seed' site skinconf.xml
| You need to define a pattern for it to match the uri.

Yep, got it thanks. This is where I was enabling it by uncommenting the MOTD 
(At least when I tried to do this at the beginning of August it was 
commented out by
default, a new seed site a just did seemed to have it enabled by default 
this time.)

Anyway, I 'thought' it would just work as-is and never noticed until close 
that the example code given will not work unless altered to a valid provided 
The example code gives 'docs_0_70' and 'docs_0_80' as example pattern 
With the default seed site that is created howver, this uri's do not exist 
and was
where I was originally getting confused and wondering why it would not work.

How about changing this example code to something that IS provided by 
maybe 'plugins_0_70' and 'plugins_0_80' or something ?

Also , I notice that the motd-option pattern does filenames as well as 
handling of directory names.

e.g. - 'index' will put a motd on every index.html page on the site.
e.g - 'samples' will put a motd on every page of every sub-directory of 

Is this documented anywhere?

| Looking at /forrest/site-author/skinconf.xml the MOTD
| is already enabled, so i am not sure what your question is.

Ignore that, I got my skinconf's mixed up.

| > Looking at http://forrest.apache.org/pluginDocs/plugins_0_80/index.html 
where it displays correctly it is a width problem somewhere.
| >
| > Due to long URL description links on pages that have motd also, this 
would probably be unresolvable with motd in its current position, CSS or 
| >
| > Moving motd above or below might be a better idea, but I'll have a play 
and let you see what I come up with.
| The main idea was to be able to display a
| short message in a prominent place.
| There is often whitespace on the left of the
| table of contents. However, my implementation
| was not very good.
| Anything that you can do to improve that, or even do
| somthing completely different, would be good.

Ok, no problem, will do. Below the menu where it is now as one location is 
as it is. The other one on the main motd-area I will shift to the right a 
bit and remove
some padding etc in surrounding areas and see if that improves things before 
think about putting it anywhere else, the current location makes sense.


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