Ross Gardler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Ross Gardler wrote:
> >
> >>Is it worth us identifying when we expect to be online during the day? 
> >>I'm not talking about a commitment, it's just that we may be able to 
> >>maximise benefit by trying to get online in groups.
> >
> >I for one will do blocks throughout the whole day.
> >I will certainly be there for the initial few hours,
> >then away for our evening meal, back until i fall asleep.
> >Then hopefully also do some during our next day.
> >
> >>Unfortunately, that day corresponds with a site visit for me. This means 
> >>I will probably not be online during the day (BST). I will try and get 
> >>online at something like (times in BST):
> >>
> >>6am -> 8am
> >>7.30pm -> 11.59pm
> >Well the current plan is to start at 9:00 am your time.
> Sorry, I thought we were doing midnight to midnight - not sure why I 
> made that assumption, it clearly states otherwise on 
> >I think it would be better to always start at 6:00 am.
> You make the call, I'll fit in with whatever time is defined. I have no 
> problem running from 9am to 9am instead, I'll just do it the other way 
> around 7.30pm -> 11pm and 6am -> 8am (actually I can do until 9am anyway 
> the following day as I am not on site that day).

Starting at 06:00 is better because that gives people in
the European quarter a chance to join the beginning
of the ForrestTuesday before going to work. It would be
good to have as many people there for the start as possible.

If people are still keen at the end of the day,
we could close a bit later. Decide at the time.
However we do need to close the channel.


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