Thorsten Scherler wrote:
> > 
> > For the task at hand, yes. The main reason is to
> > have a whiteboard to assist us with the XHTML move.
> > 
> > The secondary reason is to have a Lenya instance
> > so that later we can enhance our Lenya input plugin.
> > I don't want to see this first ForrestTuesday turn
> > into a Lenya-Forrest integration exercise. This is
> > a good time to kick-start, but we have other priorities. 
> Then we should use the cocoon or lenya wiki. I do not have time for
> creating pubs for fun. If it should not become a basis for integration
> then I do not see the point in spending my spare time for it.

Now you are putting words in my mouth. Please see
point #2 above. I did not say that this Lenya instance
will not become the basis for our Lenya-Forrest
integration. Quite the opposite. It is our first
important step. I only want us to not rush headlong
into it. Step by step. Please do whatever is easiest
to get us started.

> BTW I want to announce that I will lay lower with forrest for a while.
> There are too many things in my real life happening right now that I
> need to leverage my time better. I will still be subscribed but only
> doing work when I can (mostly that will be view related).

Okay, we can only do what we can. I do hope that
i did not put you off. That was not my intention.


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