Tim Williams wrote:
> Thanks David,
> That patch appears to expand the image handling capabilities -- which
> is cool -- but what I'm wanting is simply to write the image variants
> to disk.  I've pretty much got it working but since it's a pretty huge
> change I want to make sure it's cool with everyone first.  Right now,
> each variant (small, preview, and big) is created in it's own
> directory manually by the forrest user.  What I want is to just be
> able to drag a bunch of my photo directories into the gallery and have
> those variants generated by Cocoon automatically -- when I implemented
> it I also made the change of being filename-based instead of directory
> based.  This works fairly well though as you might imagine the first
> time through it's still memory intensive too.
> I also eventually want to make an additional change in behavior.  The
> gallery\ directory will be seen as the root gallery.  Any subdirectory
> of that one can have a gallery.meta file that describes the gallery
> and also may contain sub-galleries itself.

I for one, am very happy that you make those changes.
This would certainly change that plugin's version number
since it is different behaviour.

So this would require adding the cocoon-imagereader-block
to Forrest. Are you happy with doing Forrest's Cocoon
upgrade process? I will do it if you are not comfortable.

It would be good to do that soon anyway because
Cocoon are starting to make some more radical changes
to the build process. A good svn version would be 366397
which is just befaore Jorg added the tag: trunk_before_flattening
as part of the Maven2 setup for Cocoon.


> Also, if there happens to be any graphically-gifted folks listening
> this gallery could use your help because it is pretty rough looking as
> is.  My thought is that to improve it visually we may want to just
> wait until we can move it to views so that we can use *.fv files as
> sort of the "Album Layout".
> --tim