Ross Gardler wrote:
> Gav.... wrote:
> >>I am working on this and am making some progress.
> >>The plugin has now been converted to use current Dispatcher.
> >>I still need to get a 'notes' example working however.
> >
> >Rather than waffle on in Jira I'll extend this here.
> I see this is in the 0.8-dev roadmap. That is a mistake. No plugins 
> issues should be in the 0.8-dev roadmap since they have their own 
> release cycles. However, it does need fixing so I don't mean to 
> discourage you.

I think that we might have pushed all that type of
Dispatcher-related issue onto the roadmap to ensure
that there is just one version of Dispatcher in the
0.8 release. The FOR-848 was intended to just fix their
configuration to not use the old "structurer" plugin, etc.
They could still have issues. Dispatcher is not the
default, so that doesn't matter.

> With respect to the fact that you cannot see a working example. I'm not 
> up to date with the move to V3 so I'm afraid I cannot help much, you 
> have done more work than I in that area.
> >Looking at I would have 
> >thought
> >that this file would work fine now, if I am
> >mistaken can someone advise where I am to put these properties now.
> I can confirm both that is fully functional and 
> the notes plugin worked perfectly well against V2. The problem must 
> therefore be in the changes between V2 and V3 of the dispatcher.
> I can send you a working app offlist if you like (it's quite large since 
> it contains all of shakespeares plays). Alternatively check out a 
> version of Forrest that still has V2 in it and run the plugin under that.

Gav, if you would rather get on with something else,
then just create a new Jira issue for it.
