Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >...I gave a general reply on the user list.
> >
> Thanks! I've read it all now.
> The i18n support seems to work indeed in V0.7, but it's not currently
> working for me in trunk.
> Failure scenario:
> svn up
> build clean, rebuild
> run "forrest seed" in an empty directory
> set project.i18n=true in
> forrest run
> request http://localhost:8888/index.html
> At this point I get an error saying "(my forrest_home)/main/webapp (No
> such file or directory)". If I switch off project.i18n everything's
> fine.
> I have to run now, will have a closer look tomorrow, but if someone
> could test this and confirm Id' appreciate it.

Hmmm, that is the type of informative error message that
we get when there is something wrong with locationmap
references in a sitemap.

I created issue
