In case anyone's interested in implementing this ...
I'd suggest splitting rev__get_file() in two - in a part that fetches the 
decoder (if needed) and writes the decoded output to a svn_stream_t, and the 
rest just calling this part.

Then it's just a small matter of making a new command "cat", which uses this 
function in the worker function ...

In case more than a single file is given it might make sense to offer several 
alternatives (via options):
- just pipe, as is, concatenated
- MIME-separated
- in some kind of tar format? so that they can be piped to another location, 
  and re-separated there again? Probably too much work.
- Write them to files in another location? But that's export ...

BTW, I think export doesn't take the decode filter yet ...

If someone's interested, please reply with a short answer ... so that it isn't 
done twice.



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