Hello Simon!

> the report didn't find anything regarding fsvs, then some things
> distracted me from looking further into it.
> I did however test version 1.1.9 in my virtual machine. A complete
> revert of / still used too much memory and got killed by the system.
> Initially the VM had 300 MB, then I increased to 800 MB, but the problem
> persisted.
> Here is what happens in the file system: When the revert starts, it
> processes some man-pages, then /var/lib, then three linux sources (which
> take really long), and I think then a quite big file is read from the
> repository. During this operation the fsvs process gets killed, but when
> the big file is starting to be processed, fsvs uses already about 80% of
> system memory. Does this help you?
Well, I'll try to reproduce this problem.

Which versions of libapr and libsvn are you using?



Versioning your /etc, /home or even your whole installation?
             Try fsvs (fsvs.tigris.org)!

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