Jeff Genender wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

What %age of users will be able to take advantage of this?  90%? :)

What other ways are you thinking of clustering?

JMS, EJB, Caching, etc.

Here are some of the characteristics of clustering that we should consider:

JSP/Servlet Load Balancing
-HttpSession Sticky port/Affinity
-HttpSession failover
-File based persistence
-Database persistence
-Memory replication (all -> all)
-Memory replication (one -> designated server(s))

Heartbeat/Health Check

EJB Load Balancing (EJBHome stub or EJBObject stub)
-JNDI Lookup OR
-Smart Stub (Client) OR
-IIOP runtime (Client)OR
-Interceptor Proxy

EJB Failover
-Stateless Session Bean
-Stateful Session Bean (sticky)
-Entity Bean

JNDI clustering
-Shared global JNDI Tree OR
-Independent JNDI OR
-Centralized JNDI (on single server)

Web Service Clustering
JDBC Clustering
JMS Clustering

Management Capability
-Adding to a cluster
 -Manual addition
 -Automatic discovery
-Deploying applications to a cluster
 -Manual deployment to each each member OR
 -Centralized deployment OR
 -Farming (hot deployment across a cluster)

-Cluster Configuration Model
 -Independent OR
 -Shared File System OR


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