I've been giving more thought to how we should unify our approach to the management of clustered state in different Geronimo tiers.

I've already talked about a common approach to the management of HttpSessions in both Jetty and Tomcat, as well as SFSBs in OpenEJB.

I've mentioned the abstraction of an ApplicationSession - a component that can hold the sessions associated with a single user:application relationship, so that they can remain colocated after e.g. being evacuated from a node that is being shutdown.

After further thought, I'm beginning to crystallise some sort of design around this in my head - so I thought that I would put it out here for everyone to kick around.

Here are the requirements that have lead to the latest reiteration :

1. We need a way of relating client state, held in disparate tiers, back to a common point - e.g. in a simple web/ejb app that has an HttpSession and an SFSB (created by the webapp to do work on behalf of the webapps client), in many cases, the colocation of the two sessions is important for the performance of the application. If we just plug together isolated containers (AFAIK) there is no simple way to relate the two sessions to each other. If the node on which they are held is shut down and, in order to maintain their availability, they are evacuated to another node, there will be no guarantee that both will end up on the same node. This lead to my idea of an ApplicationSession component, in which the web-session and any number of SFSBs could be held.

2. Apparently, the Portlet TCK imposes a requirement for relating client state held by the same user in DIFFERENT applications, back to the same point. I've had long conversations with David Jencks about this and it appears that the only way to pass the testsuite is to relate different portlet session instances held in different portlet apps, but associated with the same user (session id) to each other. If one session is invalidated, then all sessions are invalidated. This has got me thinking in terms not of an Application Session but more of a Server or even Cluster-wide Session.

Futher benefits derive from keeping tabs on who owns what in each tier as it will help spot orphanned objects and allow us to do things like ensure that if a web session is paged out all associated SFSBs get paged out at the same time. There is no point in keeping them active if no-one can get to them etc...

Finally, we have to assume that developers will build their own custom services with their own POJOs and that these will come up against the same problems that the standard containers face and will also have to integrate with them. So we can see that whatever solution that we come up with will have to make allowances for this sort of approach as well.

In terms of colocation, it should not be difficult to implement the different requirements above. I can envisage a ColocationPolicy interface with ColocateByUser, ColocateByApplication and IndividualLocation policies.... Each one would provide a Session Factory and a means for each tier to put and get their session to/from the User/Application/Individual Session object in which it was stored. This larger object would be the one put into the e.g. Distributed Cache that managed Cluster state and its granularity would control whether related sessions were therefore colocated. Getting this all up and running would probably involve the cooperation of all containers in sharing a single session id generator and namespace.

The problem arises when we want to express the realtionship between objects without colocating them. e.g. in a heterogeneous cluster. Whether we need to allow for this at this stage I am not sure. I'm still thinking about this and would welcome input from anyone, especially if they can provide more usecases, or perhaps constrain the ones we have already, or just come up with an elegant way of expressing all of this for non-colocated sessions...



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