On 19 Dec 2005, at 14:14, Jules Gosnell wrote:

James Strachan wrote:

On 19 Dec 2005, at 11:53, Jules Gosnell wrote:

, whether there is other suitable Geronimo or ASF-licensed code available, or whether we will need to write our own WADI- autodiscovery classes. The important thing is to impose as few dependencies on the client as possible. The client side code should literally be a few lines. Clients using clusters should not suddenly find themselves sucking down e.g. the whole of activemq, just to do a once off autodiscovery. Early versions of WADI had its own autodiscovery code. If we need them, they could be resuscitated.

There's no reason why you can't do a simple implementation of ActiveCluster which doesn't use ActiveMQ - its just a simple API.

Sure - but I'm talking about the EJB-client side - where we just want to throw across as thin a line as possible, in order to haul a decent strength cable back. An EJB client would not need the ActiveCluster API (I'm not thinking in terms of making EJB clients fully fledged cluster members), but simply a way of locating the cluster and requesting a membership snapshot of it.

Thats exactly what the ActiveCluster API is for :). Though by all means come up with another API if you can think of a better way of doing it.

This could be done by just broadcasting a query packet at a well known multicast address and waiting for the first well-formed response.

Sure - an *implementation* of ActiveCluster API could do exactly that.


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