Hi Guys,

Since working with Ferdy to upgrade hadoop-core and tests deps, I thought
it might be best to raise this conversation again and see if it has any

Regarding the remaining issues [0]

GORA-76 - We committed this earlier. Tests pass successfully although there
are many dodgy stack traces in the log output. At first glance this looks
horrible, but upon some investigation I found that the HBase guys are
having problems of a similar nature [1] [2] which makes me think that we
are definitely not alone in this one, possibly bugs further upstream??? For
the time being, I have no issues here, and also would like to resolve and
GORA-65 - I am extremely happy with Keith's datastore and pleased to see it
make its way into the 0.2 release. I have no issues here, and also would
like to resolve and close.
GORA-63 - I really don't know what's happening with this little gem, but
surely it's not a blocker for the release. I agree that it certainly should
be addressed in the future, but to date I've been unable to get things
working with it so can't confirm if it should be committed. If anyone else
would like to try Enis' patch then please do and try to compile the
examples... if they work great.
GORA-53 - I had marked this as critical. It has quite literally become the
thorn in my side of recent. I've made reasonable progress but there is a
final missing link which I can't seem to fix. As the community is more
HBase oriented, I suggest to bump this to 0.3 development and I will pick
it up then. If there are any objections then OK, but I hope I have
justified myself on this one.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions... and also looking
towards VOTE'ing on a 0.2 RC :0)



[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-5711


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