Hi Yanmin,

ImplWinFontEntry::InitKashidaHandling is called many times when saving a
sample presentation as  profiling OOo3.1. A guy guess that would be a
possible performance blocker. I'm also doubtful that if it really need to call ImplWinFontEntry::InitKashidaHandling when saving a document. I know Kashida is used for line justification of Arabic text. But I have no idea
about how the function work. Would you please give me some hints or
information about ImplWinFontEntry::InitKashidaHandling?

Saving a document itself does not need to do any document formatting. Though when thumbnails are to be generated in that process then document gets fully formatted and rendered. This is expensive.

I've seen thumbnail generation to be the culprit of quite a few performance problems during document export. For just creating a thumbnail doing a full layout with every 't' being crossed and every 'i' being dotted seems like a waste of time. When you are working on document export performance then analyzing the costs in thumbnail creation is a worthwhile issue. I'm not sure how they are created anyway: Is more than the first page rendered on thumbnail sized OutputDevice?

Coming back from the big picture of thumbnail creation to the topic of arabic justified layout, so the call to InitKashidaHandling should only be needed if justified arabic text is involved. Is there any in your sample documents? Is it on the first page?

The kashida width is the width of the "kashida glyph" in the selected font. It is needed by Writer's layout engine to layout a paragraph which has arabic text which is to be justified. The width determines the line breaks etc. so it also influences the page layout and the layout of subsequent pages.

Herbert Duerr

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