
this is generally not possible. You can only draw within your window bounds. However there is a method to draw also in the region that is occluded by the child windows of a window (thereby painting on those child windows, too). This can be done using the Window::SetParentClipMode( PARENTCLIPMODE_NOCLIP ) method.

The normal ruler however does not do that AFAIK; it seems it simply draws to the correct window. For details see the SvxRuler class: svx/source/dialog/svxruler.cxx in the method SvxRuler::DrawLine_Impl.

Just my 2 cents, pl

On 15.04.11 14:11, Dmitry A. Ashkadov wrote:

Can I draw some parts of GUI element outside it (its window)? For example, how can ruler draw over document field? Is it possible?



Philipp Lohmann | Software engineer

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