Perhaps you can check ${module-name}/target/surefire-report/ for more
detail about which test cases fail.

Apache Hama is a BSP engine, meaning it's not only capable of
performing graph computation. Instead, it's suitable for general
purpose parallel computing as long as the algorithm can be expressed
as an iterative application. The benefit of separating Graph Job from
BSP Job is that users can perform their tasks without too much
restriction. For example, a user not merely can write a program to
perform graph computation, but also can write general BSP jobs when
it's required.

On 10 August 2014 22:15, Dongjin Lee <> wrote:
> Hi. I am a Hama user, who is analyzing source code now. I have some
> questions.
> *1. Build Fail*
> When I tried build with mvn clean install with version 0.6.4, it succeeded
> clearly. However, when I tried build with mvn --projects core,examples
> install, it failed on test task.
> I think there is something I don't understand yet, but It would be better
> to update, to prevent
> confusion. I got above command from that wiki page.
> *2. Why BSPJob and GraphJob is separated?*
> I read BSPJob & GraphJob class, and feel its design is a little bit weird.
> Why they are separated? Is there any design decision I don't know?
> Thanks in Advance.
> - Dongjin
> --
> *Dongjin Lee*
> *So interested in massive-scale machine learning.facebook:
> <>linkedin:
> <>github:
> <http://goog_969573159>
> <>twitter:
> <>*

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