On Sun, 17 Feb 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> Apache 2.0 offers numerous enhancements, improvements and performance
> boosts over the 1.3 codebase.  The most visible and noteworthy addition
> is the ability to run Apache in a hybrid thread/process mode on any
> platform that supports both threads and processes.  This has been shown
> to improve the scalability of the Apache HTTPD server significantly on
> some versions of Unix in our testing.  Apache 2.0 also includes support
> for filtered I/O.  This allows modules to modify the output of other
> modules before it is sent to the client.  Finally, we have included
> support for IPv6 on any platform that supports IPv6.
Unless someone submitted patches since the 2.0.32-alpha tarball last
week. I don't think Win32/nt works especially as it relies on
sockaddr_in for the mpm_winnt. I figured and fixed this, this weekend when
I wanted too see if the IPv6 support for Apache on NT worked or not.
It did compile but without IPv6 support. After some hours of changing
things, enabling getaddrinfo() etc. I suddenly had a IPv6 enabled
mpm_winnt version of Apache 2.0.32. I will be cleaning up the diff tonight
and fixing the fact that IPv6 addresses get logged quite weirdly, which
is a weird offset effect. You'll probably get the diff tomorrow morning CET ;)


PS: What makes this so cool is the fact that IIS doesn't have IPv6 support (yet, 
unless someone has a superduper development version somewhere ;)

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