sorry.. my mailer is being a royal pain..
so I just noticed this commit.

I've got a issue with this.

it doesn't do what it is supposed to do ALL the time.

for example.. take mod-status.

inside the handler it decides what type of content-type
the program will return.

this filterconfig won't be able to catch it.

I'm also sure that mod-cgi can not determine the content-type
of a CGI program before the handler hook either.

so what I'm saying is this directive is going to confuse a WHOLE
lot of people when it works some of the time.

if this directive needs to be there (and I belive it should be)
the filters themselves need to be added after the first bucket has been 
passed to the brigade, as this is the only time we actually know for 
certain what content-type we have.

so my proposistion is:
        *) add a filter (with a priority of -1 FTYPE_CONTENT) which just
           checks the content-type and adds the other filter if it

-0.9 on the current commit.

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