Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> One so far in /usr/local/apache/corefiles/httpd.core.1, but I'm not
> sure how this even happened:

I looked at this today.  It is an oldie but a goodie.  We've been
getting these very infrequently as long as we've been running 2.0 on

>How did we bypass that rv != APR_SUCCESS check?  We should have bailed
>out since rv == 20132.

must be that gdb doesn't know what register rv lives in at the moment

> And, I think that this tmplen > 0 should be tmplen >= 0 regardless.
> Isn't it possible to send 0 bytes?  -- justin

I've never heard of such a semantic for a send-type call.  You should

As I suggested to Greg privately, to really nail it as a FreeBSD bug:

Right before the sendfile call, assert that we're telling it to send
some bytes...  right after the sendfile call, assert that if rv == 0
then it sent some bytes  The problem is that after putting in such
code, it may not hit for 6 months (or 6 minutes), so it is hard to get
feedback in a timely basis.

Jeff Trawick | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP public key at web site:
             Born in Roswell... married an alien...

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