At 04:26 PM 3/2/2002, you wrote:

>Right.  I'm content for just trying to get something to work now
>and readdress this when we open 2.1.  I think that there can be
>multiple independent request_rec's created for one connection.

Yes - we won't revisit the idea of splitting req_rec into proto_rec
and body_rec [I'm not advocating names here, just the concepts]
until after 2.1.  Then we can discuss how, why, etc.

>I believe the concept of fast_redirect is bogus and broken.  But,
>you and OtherBill seem intent on keeping that.

Let me be clear here... I -suggest- we keep fast redirect since it
does, after all, save one entire request_rec construction/destruction
cycle.  Imagine; new request for /foo/ hits on mod_dir, which creates
second request for index.html.  Entire create_request cycle decides
that it's servable.  Now, if we do a 'proper' redirect, we spin that
request -all-over-again- to serve it.  Three request cycles, instead of
two.  50% performance loss.

>Based on your later messages, it seems that you are writing a
>patch to add an intermediate protocol-level filters.  So, I will
>stay out of your way for now.

Ok... we are definitely -identifying- those protocol level filters
differently.  The exact method we can see rbb's implementation
to comment - I expect it will be reasonable.

As long as insert_filter will take care of gruntwork for the module
author, I'm happy.

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