Jeff Trawick wrote:

> Who would be in favor of this, or parts thereof?  I'm anxious to see a
> consensus so that steps toward the goal can be filled in over time.
> 1) httpd can't be used directly on Unix because of environment
>    variable settings

Due to inheritance (export) of environment variables I usually start
Apache after doing a:
# for i in `export | cut -f3 -d' '|cut -f1 -d'='`; do export -n $i; done
Which cleans them all up nicely. One reason for doing this is so that
phpinfo() shows all these nice
Enviroment variables which could reveal one thing or the other of some
persons setup.
Maybe it's an idea to let the 'startup' program (may it be httpd or
apachectl) to filter these environment
variables too ? "they also take up memory", oooh ah :)


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