On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 05:30:52PM -0400, Greg Ames wrote:
> We ought to be able to have our cake and eat it too.  It is easy to turn off
> keepalives based on the original "type" passed to ap_die.  I think you're saying
> there's now a dependency that r->status matches the original "type" on exit,
> right?

Maybe I'm reading you wrong, but I've always noticed quiet a few
situations in which the status gets changed depending on how the
error is handled. Off the top of my head one is when the $PREFIX/error 
directory is inaccessible , you can end up with HTTP 403's instead of 
404's, 401's .. et al.

The latter being really annoying because the WWW-Authenticate: header 
is present, and the request would work just fine, if it only had a 401 

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