On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 09:47:01AM -0700, Scott Hess wrote:
> [I am not an Apache contributor, merely a lurker, but...]
> On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Jon Travis wrote:
> > These are not coercive tactics.  These are processes which are
> > beneficial to both the ASF and Covalent.  I cannot continually monitor
> > the progress of this project for eternity.  I'm astonished that this
> > deadline email has caused such a response.  This sets an extremely bad
> > precedent for other companies (or anyone for that matter) who wants to
> > contribute to the ASF.
> > 
> > Personally (Covalent hat off), it's a bummer that this is your response
> > to the donation.  I was the one who originally proposed it to
> > management, they agreed to it, and now I've gotten involved in all kinds
> > of politics and inflamatory emails.  That's a long way from being
> > excited about contritributing to the ASF, and sadly seems like more
> > trouble than it's worth.
> As I said earlier: if all you want is to contribute the code, put a
> compatible open source license on it and put it on a publicly accessable
> website, somewhere.

We decided to give the ASF the first shot at it if they wanted the project.
It seemed to fit in well with things they did, and we have roots in the ASF.
> >From following the thread, I get the feeling you don't want to contribute
> it, you want someone to take ownership of it.  A couple points:

Untrue.  If you look at my very first email on this issue (the initial
proposal), I site that I will be the initial maintainer.  I certainly
have the most experience with the code, and certainly some amount of
passion for it, regardless of the simplicity.

>  1) Everyone here has a real-life job.
>  2) Many of those jobs don't involve Apache directly.
>  3) Anyone who's writing code has their own pet projects they want done.
>  4) Anyone without a pet project has a choice of dozens/hundreds of
>     abandoned/unmaintained projects to work on.
>  5) Integration work is hard work.
> If you really want the ASF to pull this project into the Apache core, your
> best bet is to volunteer to integrate it and write some example code.  
> After all, you're the one with the code, you're the one who wants to
> contribute it to the community.

This is the point they are debating.  There is no consensus that it will
be integrated.  It either would be, or it would be a seperate project,
and that has not yet been decided.  They have already agreed that the code
is good (I've already sent it to people to review ).  I'm more than happy 
to integrate it wherever they see it fit.  As I've said in other emails (to 
this list and privately to members) I would definitely be involved.

-- Jon

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