If '-D_XPG4_2 -D__EXTENSIONS__' are added to CPPFLAGS during the configure
process, perchild will compile relatively cleanly under Solaris 8 and
result in a binary that actually serves content!! Haven't yet
playing with using the actual uid/gid aspects of perchild yet.

I'm looking to see what affects, if any, adding these by default to
APR and httpd will be... If anyone has some better experience with
these, please let me know :)

The hope is a perchild that runs, and then APR'ising it as much as
possible. The passing might be somewhat doable.
   Jim Jagielski   [|]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   [|]   http://www.jaguNET.com/
      "A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order
             will lose both and deserve neither" - T.Jefferson

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