This message is complete hand-waving.  The point of htpasswd is to create
password files for mod_auth.  It doesn't create password files for use
with other authentication schemes.  More to the point, if anybody ever
uses this option, it will FAIL with mod_auth.  That violates the principle
of least astonishment.  If you don't document it, then it might as well
not be there.


On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 10, 2002 at 11:57:08AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I agree with Bill.  Please revert this commit.  The problem is that
> And, I think there is power in giving the user the choice to have
> correct MD5 hashes produced.  Not every use of htpasswd is going to
> be fed into apr_password_validate().  If I were to write a new
> auth scheme or a CGI script where the client sends a correct MD5
> hash of their password and I needed to verify that hash, this
> option would be essential.
> It isn't the default (heck, we could remove the option from the
> help or rot13 the option description), but even if it produces
> something not portable with apr_password_validate() but is a correct
> MD5 hash, I think we should allow users to produce it.  -- justin


Ryan Bloom                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
550 Jean St
Oakland CA 94610

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