
finaly I got the module compiled and running under w2k.

Here the steps required to get it working:

1. put the two dsp files from the attachement in the experimental
2. the netscape/iplanet ldap libraries are installed in srclib\ldap
3. Apply the util_ldap.c.diff and util_ldap.h.diff to the source tree
(based on 2.0.43 release)
4. Compile the two modules using the dsp files
5. You get a mod_auth_ldap.so and a util_ldap.so module
6. Put them in the modules directory, don't forget to copy the
nsldap32v50.dll somewhere where apache.exe will find it
7. Load the two modules in your httpd.conf, like below:
LoadModule ldap_module modules/util_ldap.so
LoadModule auth_ldap_module modules/mod_auth_ldap.so
8. Configure the directories as described in the docus.
9. Start apache.exe

Additional infos:

A main problem in the current sources is, that we build two modules 
(ldap_module and auth_ldap_module) as dll's, but the functions from
ldap_module who are required by the mod_auth_ldap don't get exported.

To do this, I have changed the util_ldap.h/c files (see diffs) to use
dllexport/import stuff, similar to the system used by mod_proxy.

ldap_module is "home" in a file named util_ldap, where as all other
modules use the form of mod_XY
Why not change the source-filename to mod_ldap too ?

If my changes are accepted, then I'm willing to update the README.ldap
file to replect the win32
steps to build the module.

A. Schild

Attachment: dspfiles.zip
Description: Zip compressed data

Attachment: util_ldap.h.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: util_ldap.c.diff
Description: Binary data

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