On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 03:07:36PM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> First, congrats with 2.0.44 ;)
> >  *) Introduce the EnableSendfile directive, allowing users of NFS
> >     shares to disable sendfile mechanics when they either fail
> >     outright or provide intermitantly corrupted data.  PR
> >     [William Rowe]
> Shouldn't this also be noted as the fix for:
> "IPv6 enabled version doesn't output any data on some NIC's and linux"

It's one form of fix :) I've been running for a few weeks now with
both sendfile just off, and the TCP_CORK patch/hack I posted, turning
sendfile off is probably more reliable, but in cases of heavy load
the latter makes more sense.

ftp.heanet.ie is currently running the TCP_CORK patch for a reference
case, www.heanet.ie is running with sendfile disabled.

> As mentioned in the following threads:
>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/new-httpd/message/41447
>  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/new-httpd/message/41485
> The general fix with 2.0.43 was to use --disable-sendfile too.
> This option is thus also meant for Linux users who have a NIC
> which behaves strange when sendfile() is enabled along with IPv6.
> Also I can't find any mention of it in the docs
> (http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/)

It's probably worth documenting better, I'll submit a docs patch later
unless someone beats me to it.

Web:                                 http://devnull.redbrick.dcu.ie/ 

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