On Nov 16, 2003, at 2:23 PM, Glenn wrote:

I don't expect any of the current Apache developers would be interested in
this. But plenty of people join the development community over time (see
previous comments) and theoretically the opinions could change.

Well, I am interested. And some others on this list are interested. What must we do to have the opportunity to scratch this itch? I suggested releasing 1.4 and opening 1.5 dev, along with better patch management, to which you also agree a better job need be done.

I do not think that the _current_ Apache is and _will forever be_ the
right tool for a web server.  The size of the bug database and feature
requests should be sufficient evidence to support this point.  I also
believe that there needs to be an even easier migration path from 1.3
to 2.x, despite how good it is already.

So what will it take to convince the core developers to reopen 1.3?
I'm less interested in opinions and more interested in getting something

Why 1.4? What will 1.4 have that 1.3 does not? Or do you mean reopening 1.3 implies that it becomes 1.4?

But as the RM for the last X 1.3 releases, I think (hope) that
it's obvious that I think the 1.3 tree still has a lot of
life and a lot of interest in it. The less-than-expected
migration from 1.x to 2.x has not happened, and the reasons
why are many and few. It's for that reason, and others,
that I try to keep 1.3 going.

I've never considered 1.3 "closed" so I see no need to "re-open"
it. Maybe "open it up more", that is, by allowing new features to
be added, etc... I'm certainly ++1 about that. But I think
confusing things with a 1.4/1.5 branch doesn't make sense, unless
people can *actually* specify what would require a bump like that...


   +1 for "officially" allowing active development on 1.3
   -1 for 1.4/1.5 "just because"

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