Lubo wrote:
> I need to change this variable from within this module mod_vdbh. The
> idea is, that every virtual host should have his own open_basedir
> value (/mnt/webs/user1, /mnt/webs/user2), etc...
> Is it possible ? I spend some time with apache-API, documentation,
> programming, but I have no idea, how can I do that ...

Not only is it possible, I wrote one.

This code is originally based off of mod_vdbh, but I converted it to use libdbi and added a few other things. It includes the ability to set PHP safemode/open_basedir values based on database records.

This code is very "alpha" and was written more as a proof of concept, It does however "work for me".

It doesn't cache the results, so deploying this on a live server is questionable.

YMMV. Completely Unsupported. Etc.


I know many people want this type of functionality(mass vhosting from *sql), but i simply don't have enough time to work on this module with my other commitments.

-Paul Querna

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