Hi Henri...
Kevin again...

Willing to try and help, Henri... but you've got to give us
something to go on here.

You are asking for crystal-ball debug.
The job doesn't pay enough for that.

> Peter Cranstone wrote...
> What about trying mod_gzip with Apache 2.x?

That would at least tell them SOMETHING.
If even mod_gzip doesn't work then you can turn on
mod_gzip debug and the Apache log will be filled with
more than you ever wanted to know about trying to
perform DCE ( Dynamic Content Encoding ) and what
may or may not be going wrong.


In a message dated 3/30/2004 9:47:53 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


> In a message dated 3/30/2004 8:06:52 AM Central Standard Time,
>  > Hi to all,
>  >
>  > One of my customers is trying to use to an Apache 2.0.47 using
> mod_deflate.
>  >
>  > Its HTTP implementation works with Apache 1.3.x and mod_gzip but
>  > not with Apache 2.0.47 and mod_deflate.
>  >
>  > The PHP gzinflate and gzuncompress were used but without luck
>  > and even when skipped 10 first chars.
>  >
>  > Any help welcome.
>  >
>  > A beer to winner.
> C'mon, Henri... you know better than that.
> That's not enough information for anybody to even guess at the problem.
> mod_deflate WORKS... there's no doubt about that.
> It might be missing some config stuff to please everybody but
> I doubt that it's actually screwing up.

I know but I need arguments and may be some help or advices.

> Can you throw us a bone here?

Well I didn't have access to my customer code so I could only
forward the informations I've got.

> What is this person trying to do?

A customer which didn't allow me to give its name :)

Any help if welcome, and I could try to grab part of
the PHP code of my customer

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