Don't you think,

that the client is filling up it's buffer, and the after it's full just
stream what it has played ?


aarboard ag
internet - networks - screen&print design - multimedia
Egliweg 10 - Postfach 214 - CH-2560 Nidau (Switzerland)
Phone +41 32 332 9714 - Fax +41 32 332 9715 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 25.06.2004 13:43:04 >>>

I have an Apache2 server that streams video to a VLC
client. I have used NeTraMet to capture the traffic
and used this data to draw the traffic profile. There
is no other traffic on the test-bed (except for RIP).

This profile shows a peak of about 3MB at the very
beginning. After that, the streamed data is fairly
constant at 200KB. Periodically (every 30 seconds),
the TCP connection window size gets smaller, resulting
in troughs in the profile. I am finding this behaviour
particularly difficult to understand. I was thinking
that the RIP updates might cause the window to
decrease, but I'm not sure. It seems fairly severe
that RIP would cause this behaviour.

So I am trying to explain this phenomena - does the
Apache server require this extraordinary amount in
order to initially set up a connection?

And is there some process where it will reduce the
window size at regular intervals, maybe by buffering
the data (which could result in the window being

Thanks for any help,

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