On Mon, 30 Aug 2004, Paul Querna wrote:
1) Upgrade Bugzilla a newer version.  We currently have 2.14.2
installed.  2.16.6 is the latest stable release of Bugzilla (They are
doing Release Canidates of 2.18.X right now too!).  It has nice things,
like a NEEDINFO state, so we can mark bugs that need feedback as such,
instead of leaving them as NEW.  This is a critical problem with the
current bugzilla. Hundreds of bugs are left in the NEW state when we are
waiting for Feedback.  This needs to be changed, even if we cannot
upgrade Bugzilla.

The current bugzilla install is falling apart. It needs to be completely redone on a new machine. There is some hope that the spamassassin people might help with this, since they are bugzilla experts. But we also need to have a new machine for it.

In short, this is a known problem, but it is not going to be solved quickly because it is complicated.

As far as NEEDINFO, we can add a NEEDINFO keywork if you want. That would get almost the same effect.

2) Add More Components to Bugzilla. Here is my list of components I would like to see added for our Project: - Windows Installer - Windows Build - mod_disk_cache - Default Configuration (Lots of requests for Add XXX Language or comment XXXX out in the Default httpd.conf) - Apache Bench / ab

I have the rights to do this. I'll try to get to it soon.

3) Rename Some Components to be have a consistant naming style:
 - worker -> mpm_worker
 - prefork -> mpm_prefork
 - perchild -> mpm_perchild
 - support -> Support Utilities
 - Build -> Unix Build

This is rather difficult to do in bugzilla, I believe.


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