I'm noticing a number of serious issues with util_ldap in Apache 2.0.51 on Windows:
  • If you use what used to be safe "I don't trust the cache" config parameters as follows, you get an immediate crash (due to a null mutex).
LDAPCacheEntries     0
LDAPOpCacheEntries   0
LDAPSharedCacheSize  0
  • There are now many cases wherein Apache will *hang* when the number of unique users that have authenticated against LDAP exceeds LDAPCacheEntries.  In the *best* case, both the worker and parent process will crash.  It used to be that only the worker process would crash -- thus allowing the parent to start a new worker and not result in the server being dead in the water.
  • There are some strange bits here:
    • Using 1 for LDAPCacheEntries, LDAPOpCacheEntries, and LDAPSharedCacheSize allows for a seemingly unlimited number of unique user logins!  This is inexplicable.  It would seem a nice workaround, but I need to support existing configurations "as is", e.g. the 0,0,0 config above.
    • There are *some* cases where Apache can service many unique authenticated users beyond LDAPCacheEntries, but there are very hard to predict.  For example, LDAPCacheEntries of 2150, LDAPOpCacheEntries of 1 [this at least used to cause a crash if this was 0 and LDAPCacheEntries was non-zero], LDAPSharedCacheSize of 865000, and setting LDAPSharedCacheFile allows at least 2500 (my current LDAP data set size) unique authenticated users.  Yet if I increase LDAPSharedCacheSize, which should seemingly make no difference, Apache will crash *much* earlier.
  • Starting Apache with LDAP cachinng enabled (e.g. with the configuration in the last bullet) now results in a crash on shutdown in apr_rmm_addr_get() [rmm->base is null].  This occurs even if no requests were made since startup.
Overall, given the security and non-LDAP fixes in 2.0.51, I am now left pondering whether I should move try backing the LDAP modules back to 2.0.50 while keeping all other 2.0.51 code.  Ideas?  Also, Windows is only the first platform I've tested.  I also have to work out Solaris and AIX.  Thus if these work better, I may end up keeping the 2.0.51 LDAP code there...

I get the ugly feeling I should have tested all of this earlier in the 2.0.51 cycle, but I was busy at the time.

All in all, LDAP does not appear to be a happy camper on 2.0.51 on Windows.

Jess Holle

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