Joe Schaefer wrote:
Bill Stoddard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Joe Schaefer wrote:


ie 1 server w/ 5 threads.  The closer_thread's queue/pollset size
are capped at 100 with this config.
Running ab -n 10000 -c $concurrency http://localhost/
concurency          requests/sec
            unpatched          with patch (CLOSER_DEBUG undefined)
  5           2995               2923
 10           2999               2990
 20           2991               2935
 50           2975               2896
100           2715               2853
200           2530               2659
500           1871               2353
600           1014               2316
700            547               2094
800            450               2021
900            428               2042
1000            230               2000

I'd like to see if others can replicate these results. This is sort
of the behaviour I expected; patched server slower at low concurrency
rates because the server is doing more queuing work for little
benefit. I also expected the cross over in performance as the
concurrency increased, but I am -really- suprised at the magnitude of
the difference beginning around 500 concurrent clients!! I almost
wonder if a large number of requests are actually failing in the patched case under high load...

Is there any interest in this patch? Eventually it might even be nice to extend the concept to keepalives, but I suppose
that would mean introducing some state management into ap_process_connection.

FWIW, I am definitely interested (especially if we can get confirmation of the results on several different platforms from several different folks). greg ames and i have a patch that essentially does this for keep-alives, it's been posted to the dev@ list in the recent past. No time to work on it myself tho, sorry.


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