Hi all,

Justin and I have been up all night again working on the httpd-*
conversion.  We've come to about 10% of loading the final dumpfile
and then we run into some issues.

We think we've sorted that out now and are restarting the load
(in a test repos).  Loading takes quite a long time, so we've
started it again and are of to bed.  We'll check on it in the
morning... oh wait... make that around lunch.

The issues we are seeing are related to our f#$%ed up history
of our CVS files.  The copies of the files from one directory
to another leads to duplication, and thus failures.  We have
been working on this intensively, with an earlier date of
completion in mind.  Unfortunately we can't meet that.  This
however doesn't mean that CVS will be reopened.

Thanks for your patience,

Sander 'no sleep for me :/' Striker

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