hi all...

we have the following entries in CHANGES under 2.1-dev:

  *) Drop the ErrorHeader directive which turned out to be a misnomer.
     Instead there's a new optional flag for the Header directive
     ('always'), which keeps the former ErrorHeader functionality.
     [André Malo]

  *) mod_headers: Allow 'echo' also for ErrorHeaders.  [André Malo]

  *) Bring ErrorHeader concept forward from 1.3, so that response
     header fields can be set for return even on errors or external
     redirects.  [Ken Coar]

ErrorHeader appears to have been removed from the 2.0 branch as of 2.0.51.

I guess it depends on how you view CHANGES, but from my pov I would expect
it to just list tangible changes from, say, 2.0.53 to 2.2.  since
ErrorHeader won't exist in 2.0.53 (or whatever the most recent release ends
up being) and won't exist in 2.2 maybe removing these from CHANGES
altogether is warranted?

I'm not sure if there are others like this as well, but if I have the chance
I'll scour CHANGES for a similar pattern.


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