A co-worker of mine pointed out that the following works in Apache
1.3, but not 2.0 if the location /foo, doesn't exist on the disk:

AddHandler foobar /cgi-bin/printenv
<Location /foo>
    SetHandler foobar

This patch ports this behavior forward into 2.0.

Index: modules/mappers/mod_actions.c
--- modules/mappers/mod_actions.c       (revision 111773)
+++ modules/mappers/mod_actions.c       (working copy)
@@ -163,11 +163,6 @@
     if ((t = apr_table_get(conf->action_types,
                       action ? action : ap_default_type(r)))) {
        script = t;
-       if (r->finfo.filetype == 0) {
-           ap_log_rerror(APLOG_MARK, APLOG_ERR, 0, r,
-                       "File does not exist: %s", r->filename);
-           return HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
-       }

     if (script == NULL)

I'm not subscribed to the list anymore, but please let me know when
this is committed.


Ryan Bloom

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