
The last couple of weeks I've had to dive into mod_proxy.  I'd
like to know what all the #ifdef FIX_15207 lines are all about
in mod_proxy.c.  Keeping the #define breaks the crap out of
interaction with mod_rewrite for instance.

Furthermore the documentation of mod_proxy* explains a lot
of options that are not supported (anymore).  Like ProxyPass !
for instance.  The other thing is <Proxy /location opt1=1 opt2=2 ...>.

A side remark: mod_proxy_ajp doesn't follow our coding style

I know, if I have an itch, I should scratch it.  However,
I remember that a lot effort went into getting mod_proxy ready
for 2.0 (that is, debugged on 2.0).  I wouldn't want to
get in the same situation for 2.2.


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