--On Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:44 PM -0600 "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

-1 veto - there is no reason for us -not- to adopt apr 1.2.0.
I'm confused why we would be so pedantic as to not adopt a
current release?  APR signatures were broken on all 1.0/1.1

APR 1.2.0 isn't released. APR 1.1.0 is the current release. I'm not willing to tie httpd 2.2.x to unreleased versions of APR - we got burned badly with httpd 2.0.x with that behavior.

If a version of APR is released that has these fixes, great: we can decide to pick it up then. However, APR's screwups should be isolated from httpd going beta.

 From the mod_dav exports issue alone, I'm -1 calling this build
a beta.  It clearly isn't and needs to be fixed.

That's been 'broken' forever and it's only because Subversion 1.2 wants to use private mod_dav functions. I don't see how that justifies blocking a beta. If a patch surfaces for trunk, we can apply that to the tree. As my earlier email stated, I'm not against changing the API while in beta - given that we have suitable review of the changes before it enters.

I'd expect us to be in release stabilization for a few months (with hopefully at least 3 or 4 'good' betas), so there's time to get these minor issues resolved. -- justin

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