At 11:34 AM 3/4/2005, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>--On Friday, March 4, 2005 11:27 AM -0600 "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL 
>PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>yup, that's what mod_auth_config did.  However, mod_auth_config;
>> 1. invokes auth for the local directives (not <Auth> sectioned)
>> 2. invokes auth for all <Auth> sections.
>>providing the explicit list in AuthBasicProvider would ensure we walk
>>the provider configs correctly.
>No, the module that was posted had no concept of providers.  The right place 
>to do this is at the provider level not the hook level.  -- justin

We have a naming problem.  Provider is meaningless.

Is a provider Basic, Digest?

Or is a provider File, DBM, LDAP?

If you mean the former, I'm right there with you.  However, that
won't work on antique (2.0, even 1.3) auth modules, so my concept
is still valid.  It should simply be replaced for httpd-2.0 with
something clearer :)


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