Sander Striker wrote:
Sander Striker wrote:

Hi guys,

It's been almost 2 months since 2.0.53.  Think it is time for 2.0.54 yet?
I'll volunteer to RM if that is a yes ;)

Just a heads up: I'm planning on starting the T&R of 2.0.54 on thursday night (UTC +1).

And ofcourse it's friday night already...

I would be thankful if someone could start backporting the suggested backports with enough votes in STATUS. If noone has any round
tuits, I'll get to it before doing the tag.

Noone seemed to have any spare tuits, so I guess that I'm the unfortunate "backporter". I would like to backport all things that got enough votes so that STATUS actually shrinks a bit. Given I don't want to mess this up too much I'd rather start doing this tomorrow during the day. If anyone feels lucky today, don't hesitate to take on some backports yourself, especially if it is "your" patch...



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