Joshua Slive wrote:
[Bringing [EMAIL PROTECTED] into the discussion; we just activated mod_disk_cache from 2.1-head on the apache wiki and it is broken.]

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

We're having problems now getting to the geronimo wiki

some people get content, some people get nothing.  Any ideas?

mod_cache is returning:
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 12:56:11 GMT
Server: Apache/2.1.5-dev (Unix)
Connection: close

to ordinary non-conditional GET requests. The result is obviously a blank page in the browser.

So obviously mod_cache is not dealing correctly with 304 responses from the back-end, and is therefore rather useless at the moment. I've turned it off on the wiki.

Any suggestions from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I could have sworn we had solved this a few months ago.  I've seen this
working with 2.1.4-dev, but I'd need to track back what rev.  I don't
expect to be able to look at this before wednesday :/

Justin, how's your stack of round tuits?


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